Join the Cleveland Beekeepers Association

There are five classes of membership – most of these include membership of the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA).

Registered Full Members - £28
Adult members who receive all the benefits of membership, including Public and Products Liability insurance under the BBKA Insurance Policy, BBKA News magazine and the CBKA Newsletter.
Partner Members - £18
Adult members residing at the same address as a Full Member. They receive all the benefits of membership, including Public and Products Liability insurance under the BBKA Insurance Policy, but not BBKA News magazine and the CBKA Newsletter.
Associate Members - £7
Any person who is already a Registered Full Member of another Beekeeping Association. Will not receive BBKA News magazine through CBKA membership, but will receive the CBKA Newsletter.
Country Members - £17
Members who do not keep bees but who wish to support CBKA and BBKA and receive BBKA News magazine and the CBKA Newsletter.
Junior Membership - £14
Available to anyone under 18 years old. No capitation is paid to BBKA and therefore there is no insurance. Not eligible for BBKA News magazine but will receive the CBKA Newsletter.

Note on Membership: Annual Membership of Cleveland Beekeepers Association runs from 1st November until 31st October of the following calendar year. Membership fees are payable in full, whenever in the year you join. Existing members are kindly requested to renew their membership during November.

New Members

If you wish to join CBKA, please Email our Membership Secretary with your name, address, postcode and mobile number. Within a few days you’ll be sent a link which will let you check that we have your correct contact details and to pay your membership fee. When you have joined us as a member you can then register on this website to access the Member area. It's a very simple form and you will only need to do this once.

Add your details here

Membership Renewal

To renew your existing membership, please Email our Membership Secretary

Existing Member- Access to Website

Our website was updated in 2023- If you have not accessed the site since then you will need to register to access the Member area on this website.

It's a very simple form and you will only need to do this once.

Add your details here